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Grab X Leaf Grabber

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Grab X Leaf Grabber
$29.95 | Out of Stock | Stock Notification

Grab X Leaf Grabber

Specifically designed to reduce the back-breaking work of picking up and discarding garden clippings, pine needles, and leaves, At a light 1.5 pounds, The Grab X Leaf Grabber doesn't require any bending, twisting or awkward lifting! Just rake your debris into a pile and use the Grab X Leaf Grabber to pick it up and discard it. The rake head is designed so that very little spillage occurs. It even stands on its own between uses so that you don't even have to bend over to pick it up!

Check out our Sport EZ Leaf Hauler and Original EZ Leaf Hauler to make leaf clean up a breeze. The Sport EZ Hauler can hold 4 times more than a wheelbarrow and the Original Leaf Hauler can carry 5 times more. The innovative design saves you time and backache while you care for your lawn.

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