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Get Crackin' Cracker

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The Black Walnut Cracker That Thinks It's A Pecan Cracker

God made hard shell nuts and God made soft shell nuts.  This nut cracker made cracking them all equal.

I sell a lot of nut crackers.  My Kinetic Kracker (Electric Pecan Cracker) and Drill Cracker (for black walnuts and hard shell nuts) are leading nutcracker sellers on eBay.  I ship them around the world  Even so, sometimes there comes along something that makes me say, "Why didn't I think of that!"   This black walnut cracker is one of those items.

The lever-fulcrum action makes cracking the hardest nuts child's play.  It provides superior cracking with a minimal amount of shatter versus standard nut crackers by allowing the user amazing precision pressure control.  Apply easy pressure to increase cracking and reduce shatter (and shrapnel!) 

Black Walnut Cracker

How many times have I used the diagonal pliers and nut picks to get out the tiniest and most aggravating pieces if nutmeat? GRRR!  That's ended now because this simple nut cracker can re-crack those stubborn little pieces.

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